The currents of culture


Not too far from the neighborhood where I grew up, there was a creek.

Leaning in or pulling away


We’ve been considering some of the excuses we make when we check out on relationships.

History of Kurtz: The Prather-England scandal of 1899


On June 19, 1898, 20-year-old William Prather married 16-year-old Lillie England, who was likely already two months pregnant.

Lee Hamilton: January 6 committee reminds us what Congress can do


Watching the hearings held by the Jan. 6 committee as it delves into the events at the Capitol last year and what lay behind them, I’ve been struck by what you might think of as the “meta-coverage.” It’s been fascinating to see.

My take on a kitten identifying as a chicken


Hi, dear readers. It’s me again, your favorite small town hen, Gertie.

Next year’s Jackson County Fair queen


Jackson County, isn’t it about time to ring out the old and ring in the new?

Mustard seeds and butterflies: Little actions, big impact


Big events tend to garner large amounts of attention.

Greek culture: More or Les


We owe much to Greece.

Americans continue to give generously across the spectrum


Americans continue to give generously across the spectrum, including here in Jackson County.

Reconciliation requires the participation of two people


Our focus is on repairing broken relationships.