Reagan’s unmatched moxie

Being old, I spend considerable time correcting facile modern accounts of long-ago events that I happened to have witnessed. They rarely check out, as...

Wendy Cartwright: Midwest Wonders … Mullets


I’m sitting at the tire shop this morning. My tires need rotated and one is a little low. I’m really not a bad driver, but, when I ride the yellow line, the rumble strips affect my tire pressure.

Richard McGowan: Revisiting ‘The White Man’s Burden’


Kipling’s poem, an unabashed endorsement of colonization “to serve your captives’ needs,” may seem an antiquated view, condescending and paternalistic by modern standards. However, the poem, even in its title, has considerable value, conceptually and scientifically, i.e., factually.

Brian Howey: McCormick makes Amanda the new face on abortion


On dozens of billboards across Indiana, Right to Life urges folks to “love them both” when it comes to a mother and a fetus. During his recent Republican gubernatorial campaign, former attorney general Curtis Hill frequently recounted how he brought more than 2,000 aborted fetuses discovered in Illinois home for a proper burial.

Niki Kelly: Is Boone County’s LEAP project stuck in neutral?


For two years, the state of Indiana has sat on thousands of acres of farmland in Boone County with no new announced tenants for a controversial innovation park.

A hugely significant change in federal attitude looms


For many years much of the medical and public health communities have anxiously awaited the long-overdue federal Controlled Substances Act reclassification of marijuana to characterize it more accurately.

Michael Hicks: Advice for young people heading into the labor market


Many of my columns have focused on labor market advice to young people heading to college.

Abdul-Hakim Shabazz: Let’s talk about Trump


When it comes to former President Donald Trump, two things are true. First, he is now a convicted felon who was found guilty by 12 people who just two months ago did not know one another. And second, talk that Trump did not get a fair trial is either the most misinformed or ridiculous statement I have ever heard.