Reconciliation requires the participation of two people


Our focus is on repairing broken relationships.

Mark Franke: Children still do read real books


I was in the checkout line at my local branch library the other day, standing behind several youngsters slowly doing their own checkouts with minimal mother assistance. One librarian caught my eye with an “I’m sorry about this” glance to which I responded, “This makes my day.”

Celestial navigation: Look up


According to, constellations are “…certain groupings of stars that were imagined — at least by those who named them — to form conspicuous configurations of objects or creatures in the sky.”

Favorite monarch butterfly threatened with extinction


Americans tried to kill off bison, eradicate wolves, wipe out eagles and did drive the passenger pigeon into extinction due to environmental heedlessness.

Living with cancer: 804-mile cross-country bike-packing trip from Indiana to Florida


There are days when I feel like my 62-year-old body is falling apart.

Should we get back to or get back at people?


In Romans 12:17, the Apostle Paul reminds us, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil.”

Is it chicken or cat?


In recent days, a new animal has appeared on the farm.

Why are rich places growing and poor places in decline?


Over the past four decades, the United States suffered its first prolonged period of economic divergence. This type of divergence occurs when rich places grow at a noticeably different rate than poor places, which causes the standard of living to diverge. Roughly around 1980, the nation experienced broad convergence, and capital (businesses) and people migrated from poorer (lower-income, lower-cost) areas to richer (higher-income, higher-cost) areas.

How to make relationships worse


Whenever and wherever we face relational conflict, someone is always to blame, someone is responsible for the conflict.

We need more people doing the lifting


As I pulled into the driveway after sitting with a client in the emergency department for hours, I asked myself, “Why did it take this long and for him to get this sick for anyone to teach him how to read a nutrition label?”