
Local letters to the editor

Letter: Obamacare really about government funded abotions

Obamacare about funding abortions To the editor: Indiana. It’s home to each of us. Our state has been...

Letter: Return bridge column to local paper

To the editor: It has been said that newspapers are facing slow extinction because of the many new ways to communicate, to...

Letter: Trim trees properly for better-looking foliage

To the editor: I wrote this for local papers about a generation ago, and there has been some improvements in the county....

Letter: RFRA debacle due to nefarious Marxists

To the editor: All the verbiage and flap about the Indiana Religious Freedom Restoration Act has got me wondering why all the...

Letter: Is soccer association overstepping authority?

Is soccer association overstepping authority? To the editor: The Seymour Soccer Association is banning individuals from public property focused around...

Letter: Rep. Lucas’ defense of RFRA doesn’t cut it

Rep. Lucas’ defense of RFRA doesn’t cut it To the editor: The recent article by State Rep. Jim Lucas is...

Letter: Register today to become an organ donor

To the editor: The Children’s Organ Transplant Association (COTA) was founded in 1986 when residents of Bloomington, Indiana, rallied around a toddler...

Letter: Important to raise awareness about sexual assault

To the editor: April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, a time to raise public awareness about sexual assault and educate communities on...

Letter: Thanks to those who helped put out a field fire

To the editor: Had a field fire out here on Pea Ridge that quickly moved over into our woods. My initial effort...

Letter: Constitution protects religious liberties

To the editor: As Indiana's attorney general, I have legal obligations as the lawyer to state government that do not permit me...