Brownstown Park Board receives second grant



The Jackson County Visitor Center once again has come through big time for the Brownstown Park Board.

Executive Director Arann Banks recently presented a $15,775 check to President Brian Wheeler, marking the second time in 2020 for the park board to receive a grant from the visitor center.

This was for the fall grant application period, while the $12,200 received by the board in June was through a Spring Developmental Grant.

Wheeler applied for the maximum $20,000 both times, but the visitor center board chose to divvy out the money to multiple entities.

“The park board is again very grateful that the Jackson County Visitor Center is supporting our efforts to make some much-needed improvements at the Brownstown Park,” Wheeler said. “Together, we can help bring more people into our town and county.”

With the first round of funding, the park board used the money to remove the fencing and press box, move light poles and put down new brick dust at the softball field. Work completed on the field also helped with drainage.

The original intent with the fall funding was to put up fencing and netting and put down more brick dust.

Wheeler, however, said there were some changes to the application, notably the absence of the new poles and lights.

“After we discussed with several others, it was determined that replacing all of the existing poles and lights would be too expensive for us at this time,” he said. “Our fall grant proposal included new fencing, covered dugouts, new scoreboard, additional brick dust and poles and netting for the backstop.”

This grant with the town’s match and some private donations will cover all of the expenses, Wheeler said.

So far, the board has received $10,000 in private donations. Wheeler said some of it was applied to Phase 1, and some will be applied to Phase 2.

“The Brownstown Park Board is very thankful for the amazing partners we have in our community,” he said. “Without the help of the visitor center, Jackson County REMC, Daniel Blann Land Surveyor, Brownstown Electric Supply Co. and the town’s support, we would not be able to do the things we are doing. Those partners have donated time, money and resources to help us keep this project moving, and we are very grateful.”

After the softball field is completed, Wheeler said the board would like to add some additional security features at the park, including security lights and cameras.

“We continue working on ways to fund the replacement of our playground equipment and pool feature, but as you know, these are big-ticket items, and funding will be a challenge,” he said.

Therefore, the intent is to continue applying for grants, including from the visitor center, to help fund the improvements, Wheeler said.

The park board will have its first meeting of 2021 at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the park’s indoor shelter house along West Bridge Street. Wheeler is joined on the board by Paula Workman, Rachel Johnson, Brian Isaacs and Justin Stacks.

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