The light is there even in the darkest days


(Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Wednesday was one of the darkest days in American history.

Supporters of President Donald Trump, seemingly at his behest, descended on the U.S. Capitol as a joint session of Congress went about their constitutional duty of counting electoral ballots, which would result in Joe Biden being certified as the next president of the United States. The rioters broke into a closed building, armed with zip ties and mace, hunting Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress.

They vandalized hallowed hallways and desecrated the seat of the legislative branch, the people’s house, with the presence of a Confederate flag. Five people died during the insurrection, including a Capitol police officer, who was beaten and hit in the head with a fire extinguisher.

To be honest, it’s difficult even five days later to rise above the dark cloud that has descended on this country and see a shred of light.

Especially with the shadow of the coronavirus pandemic, which has reached unprecedented levels across the country, looming over us all.

And yet, it is there, shining like the Statue of Liberty’s golden torch. You’ll find it in the embrace of a child or loved one.

You’ll find it in the word of thanks shared between customer and business owner.

You’ll find it in a community coming together to lift up a family who’s lost everything.

You’ll find it in the smile of a homeless man getting his first warm meal in days.

You’ll find it in the laugh at a child’s clever joke.

It’s all around us. And it is more powerful than the darkness could ever be.

But we have to believe that. We have to seek it out at every turn. We have to choose joy, grace and peace above hatred, division and greed.

The light can’t be extinguished as long as we hold it in our hearts.

Make sure you can always find it there.

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