At what point does Trump hit a wall?

A few months ago, a reader called to challenge something I’d written in a column amid the fallout of Indiana’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act...

Too little, too late on early childhood education

Gov. Mike Pence’s surprising decision last year not to apply for a federal education grant that could have brought Indiana up to $80 million...

Regional Cities Initiative marks critical change for Indiana

This week, the state announced the communities who will receive funding in the first round of the Regional Cities Initiative. I have already discussed...

Uncertain tax legislation weighing on donors

Once again, charitable organizations such as the Community Foundation of Jackson County, Jackson County United Way and Child Care Network have much to be...

Lack of voter turnout apalling

KPC News Service Hoosiers should be upset about a statistic released recently: only 20.5 percent of eligible voters cast their ballots in...

Trump only helping terrorists win

The terrorists are winning. They are not winning because of our inept performance on the battlefields of Iraq and Syria. They are...

Letter: Trump raises awareness on immigration topic

To the editor: I really can not see why people think it is wrong to keep Muslims at bay. For...

Experience Indiana in its 200th year

KPC News Service Indiana has begun a year-long celebration of its 200 years of history. The party started Friday, which...

World-class cyclist Taylor faced racism, hostility in hometown

Dubbed the “colored cyclone” by newspaper reporters of the early 1900s, Hoosier Marshall W. “Major” Taylor was a champion cyclist whose speed was surpassed...

Bell-ringing campaign needs volunteers

The holiday season just doesn't have that same old ring to it, as the local Salvation Army sees it. The charitable organization...