Our election system could be less frustrating

(Portland) Commercial ReviewFor many, there was probably a sigh of relief.That sigh came not because of who won — this editorial is being written...

After the first step

Hello, friends.Taking the first step in weight loss is the hardest. While that is true, taking the next step, which is doing better every...

All rollercoaster rides come to an end

The roller coaster ride has ended. Let me rephrase that. It appears that voters have chosen to end the roller coaster ride known as...

Sale-ing away

By Les Linz “The buyer haggles over the price, saying, “It’s worthless” then brags about getting a bargain!” (Prov. 20:14 — NLT). Bargaining (or haggling) has...

Heroes cut through chaos of election

Herald-Bulletin (Anderson)Crisis spawns, or reveals, heroes among us. Hard-working, diligent, dedicated and courageous Americans always rise to the challenge, whether it’s during a war,...

God always has a plan

In Philippians 1:13, the Apostle Paul points out the fact that everyone, including the whole palace guard, knew he was in chains because of...

How Joe Biden can avoid a showdown with North Korea

Joe Biden will be America’s next president. His victory is almost entirely due to the incumbent’s constant missteps.Absent COVID-19 Donald Trump would have been...

You have the right

As Americans, we are extremely protective of our rights.It’s part of our DNA as a nation. The American Revolution revolved around a foundational understanding...

Biden has his ‘mandate,’ we have ours

To be clear from the start, my concern here is with my Republican representation, and the most conservative of it at that.Modern Democrats can...

Why America should do away with the Electoral College

By San Jose (California) Mercury NewsDonald Trump had it right in 2012 when he said that the Electoral College was “a disaster for democracy.”Under...