
Local letters to the editor

Letter: Letter to the Editor, Don Hill

To the editor: Robocalls, yes, we are all sick and tired of them. All we can do is hang up. Sorry, it does no good...

Letter: Letter to the Editor, Don Hill

To the editor: Do you have a "Black Sheep" in your family? Well, according to my Mom and her sisters, Uncle George was ours. It...

Letter: Letter to the Editor, Don Hill

Peanut Butter, Pumpkin Pie & Yams To the editor: Now I am proud to say I married a great cook. And I also can say I...

Letter: Letter to the Editor, Don Hill

To the editor: Most folks like me need something to get the sap flowing upon starting the day. In a lot of cases, that something is...

Letter: Letter to the Editor, Don Hill

To the editor: A Study on Doors Do you enter and depart your home through the front door? If you are like most people these days,...

Letter: Modern family dynamic far different from past

To the editor: Plans for the modern house usually skips a special room for a beautiful dining room table, eight to 10 chairs and a...

Letter: ‘The Art Center’ is community treasure

To the editor: May I talk to you about a treasure that has been a part of our community since 1992 or thereabouts? SICA (Southern Indiana...

Letter: Smokers should file suit if law passes

To the Editor: If this new smoking law passes, people who smoke should file a class action lawsuit against the city of Seymour. The ACLU would...

Letter: City-wide glitches still need to be addressed

To the editor: To the city administration at large, we have been told in the last few days there are shortfalls in the budget, fees...

Letter: Bad TV news blows things out of proportion

To the editor: All the news that isn't news. It is said, "Ignorance is bliss." I don't know who said it, probably some ignorant person. However, he...