Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian


The Loyal Devoir Society of Central Christian Church in Seymour met Aug. 22 for its annual pitch-in picnic.

Hostesses were leader Betsy McDonald, Judy Carpenter, Janice Brock and Patty Elmore. There were 14 members and several guests present.

Brock led the devotions, followed by prayer, and after a meal, Paula Stafford thanked members for working at the rummage sale, which was a success. Brock said the meal for the football players and coaches went well.

“The players were very polite and appreciated the meal,” she said.

The next meeting was Sept. 26 at the church.

President Paula Stafford thanked the members of Group 4 for serving as hostesses of the meeting. Betsy McDonald gave devotions about giving thanks for everything and followed with prayer.

Judy McDonald read the minutes from the June and August meetings, and they were approved. Betty Guinn reported on the balance in the treasury.

The rummage sale was discussed under old business, and everyone was in favor of having it again in 2024.

A dinner was served to the Delta Kappa Gamma sorority on Sept. 17, and another dinner is scheduled for 6:45 p.m. Oct. 17. Names of volunteers to serve, cook and cleanup were taken. Four members are to bring pies.

First responders will be honored the first of the year.

Discussion followed on who would serve as the card person since Grace Low is moving. JoEllen Reynolds was voted to replace her.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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