Indiana farmers anticipate record yields


Indiana farmers anticipate harvesting 5.38 million acres of corn, up 250,000 acres from last year, and 5.48 million acres of soybeans, down 350,000 acres from last year, according to the Indiana Field Office of the U.S. Department of Agriculture National Agricultural Great Lake Region’s Aug. 1 report.

Corn and soybean crops were planted earlier than normal with both being planted earlier than both 2022 and the five-year average. Weather turned very dry in May, and substantial rainfall was not seen for much of June.

Precipitation returned, and both crops responded favorably to rainfall and favorable temperatures.

Despite earlier planting, both crops are behind their five-year reproductive phase averages due to the stalled growth shortly after planting because of lack of precipitation. Both crops are largely in grain fill, and precipitation doesn’t appear to be a limiting factor. Disease pressure has been low, and in fields where fungicide has been used is nearly nonexistent.

The average corn yield is forecast at 195 bushels per acre, up 5 bushels from the previous year. Total production is forecast at 1.049 billion bushels, up 8% from last year on both higher yields and more acres planted.

Soybean yield is forecast at 60 bushels per acre, up 2.5 bushels from 2022. Total production is forecast at 329 million bushels, down 2% from last year on fewer acres planted.

Winter wheat yield is estimated at 90 bushels per acre, up 14 from the previous forecast and 9 bushels above last year. Winter wheat production is forecast at 32.4 million bushels, up 67% from last year due to record yields and more acres planted.

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