Friends and Neighbors homemakers meet in Seymour


By Helen Lutes

For The Tribune

The Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club met March 28 at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour.

President Ruby Niccum opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance and the club creed. Roll call was answered by 12 members, who responded by naming their favorite color of the rainbow.

Helen Lutes read the secretary’s report from the February meeting, and Treasurer Donna Abner stated the balance in the treasury has not changed.

Devotional Leader Ruth Bateman said, “One day changed the world.” Before Christ, the world was dark with men trying to be good enough, and Jesus’ resurrection was the most important thing, she said. In closing, Bateman said, “It’s Friday, but Sunday is coming.”

Niccum shared important information from the council meeting. She said the council is in need of a vice president and a secretary after the passing of Peggy Carmichael. The council also needs volunteers if local efforts are to continue.

She also gave a lesson on strength and balance exercises. She demonstrated two exercises: Walking heel to toe and standing on one foot. Both can be done almost anywhere and at any time even while waiting in line at the grocery store. Niccum said the exercises will help improve balance. She also distributed a handout explaining leg rotations, bicep curls, arm raises, tricep extensions, side leg extensions, plantar flexes and hamstring curls.

She also reminded the group that Achievement Night will be at 6:30 p.m. May 16 in Freetown.

A slate of officers for the next year was presented and approved as follows: Niccum, president; Charlotte Lovegrove, vice president and scrapbook; Lutes, secretary and reporter; Abner, treasurer and volunteering; Bateman, devotions leader; Jan Caplinger, song leader; Rhonda Kidwell, continuing education; and Vera Robbins, leadership.

Lutes gave a lesson entitled “Instead of college, I read these books.” It was a list of 131 books given by a teacher to a senior boy in high school when he learned he couldn’t go to college because of personal family issues.

Niccum asked for volunteers to host the club for the months of April through June. The schedule and hosts are April 25, Robbins; May 23, Donna Patterson; and June 27, Debbie Shubert.

Lovegrove gave some worthwhile and some worthless information that had clipped from old past program books. One item was a challenge to the group to find a seven-letter word that started with the letters “th” and without any rearranging the letters make 20 different words.

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