Curbside Chats series with city officials begins today


Do you have a comment, concern or idea you’d like to share with the mayor of Seymour or other city officials?

Maybe you’d just like an opportunity to meet the Seymour city team.

If so, mark your calendar for the Curbside Chats series, which begins today.

Once a month, Mayor Matt Nicholson and department heads will take time to meet informally with citizens at different city parks facilities to give people the opportunity to speak openly and freely with government officials about different issues and topics.

At 7 p.m. today, Nicholson, city Engineer Bernie Hauersperger and an official with the department of public works plan to be at Crossroads Community Park.

The rest of the schedule includes:

7 p.m. May 25: Nicholson and water pollution control at Burkhart Plaza

7 p.m. June 29: Nicholson, police department and planning and zoning at Shields Park

7 p.m. July 27: Nicholson and Freeman Municipal Airport Manager Colin Smith at Westside Park

7 p.m. Aug. 31: Nicholson, parks and recreation department and Clerk-Treasurer Darrin Boas at Gaiser Park

7 p.m. Sept. 28: Nicholson, fire department and city Attorney Christina Engleking at Seymour Community Center

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