Sertoma thanks Jackson County


To the editor:

A generational cold front. That was the forecast and reality for Christmas Eve morning 2022, which meant that our faithful delivery volunteers would have to turn out in rather uncomfortable weather, to say the least.

We were concerned this year whether people would brave the cold and deliver Christmas gifts to the needy or would our volunteers stay in their warm homes? Our concerns didn’t account for the generosity and self-sacrifice that Jackson County folks routinely employ in our community, since our hearty volunteers turned out in large numbers.

All gifts were out for delivery and our headquarters was empty by 8:30 a.m. Jackson County Sertoma Club members cannot be more pleased (and a little surprised, given the weather) with the again wonderful response we got from so many individuals, clubs, businesses, groups and organizations that make Christmas Miracle work.

We don’t try to list every business, bank, group, club, workplace, agency, print and radio media outlet and organization that helped to make this year’s Christmas Miracle a success. It’s just too many to list, and nobody knows the number of generous, good-hearted citizens in our county that showed up throughout our month-long effort. Please know that our gratitude for your help knows no bounds.

Because of everyone who supported our cause this year, Sertoma was able to help 241 families with 614 children throughout every part of Jackson County. Those numbers indicate a lesser number of families but a greater number of children assisted in 2022 than 2021.

In the end, the people of this fine county showed their true desire to help their fellow citizens. One Sertoma member recently observed that Christmas Miracle is a project of the entire Jackson County Community, not merely a Sertoma project. This continues to be reiterated every year.

Sertoma stands for SERvice TO MAnkind. Our club is able to do what we do for the people of this county because of your support. Again, thanks go out from all of the members of Jackson County Sertoma for everyone’s help in making the Christmas season a little brighter for the children of Jackson County.

John Fox, Christmas Miracle co-chairman

Jackson County Sertoma Club

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