Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian Church


Betty Guinn called the meeting of the Loyal Devoir Society to order Sept. 27 at Central Christian Church in Seymour.

She took the place of Janice Brock, who was out of town. She also was chairwoman of the committee planning the refreshments and decorations.

Devotions on “Changing of the Seasons” was given by Helen Horton.

Judy McDonald read the minutes, and Guinn gave the treasurer’s report.

A thank-you was given to those who worked at the sorority dinner.

Grace Low, card person, sent two cards of condolences and two get-well cards.

The Delta Kappa Gamma dinner is Oct. 18.

Paula Stafford announced a fundraiser for the group. The company is called The Nut Man that sells a variety of nuts and candy. Orders can be taken now, and it will take three weeks to get here. Other items will be ordered and sold in the lobby of the church. Oct. 30 was set as the first sale.

The Christmas dinner will be at 6 p.m. Dec. 6.

The next meeting is Oct. 25.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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