Public invited to free showing of ‘Chasing Bubbles’


A free public viewing of the “Chasing Bubbles” documentary is set for 9:30 p.m. Saturday at Schwätzer’s German Restaurant, 113 Indianapolis Ave., Seymour.

The movie is about Seymour native Alex Rust, who quit his job in 2008 to chase a dream. He traded his old minivan for a small sailboat he named Bubbles and taught himself to sail with a “Sailing for Dummies” book. He then set sail on a four-year adventure to the farthest corners of the globe.

After returning to dry land, Rust began compiling footage in search of a way to turn his circumnavigation into something even bigger. Tragically, while exploring ways to do so in India, Rust’s journey was cut short in May 2013.

The documentary, released in 2016, tells the story of Rust’s adventure at sea and sheds light on his personal challenge to make an impact.

​The Chasing Bubbles Foundation was founded after the release of the documentary to empower kids to chase their dreams like Rust.

At Saturday’s event during the Seymour Oktoberfest, the foundation will be sharing some exciting news about the sailing vessel named Bubbles and her new captain, Kev.

Kev will run in the Oktoberfest 5K at 8 a.m. Saturday, be at the stein hoist at 4 p.m. at the biergarten and chat before the showing of the documentary at 9 a.m. at Schwätzer’s.

For information, visit or

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