Murphy family celebrates 49th reunion


The 49th annual reunion of the Alvin and Maudie Davis Murphy family was Aug. 28 in the annex at Crothersville United Methodist Church with 22 people in attendance.

Michael Payne gave the noon invocation.

The reunion location will be changed next year with Loretta Riehl making a motion to hold it at Central Christian Church in Seymour. Payne seconded it. Motion carried.

President Leroy Davis II called the reunion to order by having the office elections for 2023. Officers are Davis, president; Roscoe Peacock, vice president; Eunice Lacey, secretary and treasurer; Missy Shunney and Savannah Smith, entertainment committee; and Bobby Peacock and Betsy Ackeret, refreshment committee.

Jo Ann Webster will continue to buy the flowers for the grave of Alvin and Maudie Murphy around Memorial Day.

Memorials were read for Carnet Peacock, son of Mamie Davis and Manville Peacock, grandson of Maudie Davis and Alvin Murphy; Verda Murphy, wife of Emerson Murphy, daughter-in-law of Forrest and Mary Murphy, great-daughter-in-law of Alvin and Maudie Murphy; and Susan Jane Murphy, wife of Lester Murphy, daughter-in-law of Bicknell and Opal Murphy, great-daughter-in-law of Alvin and Maudie Murphy.

The oldest man present was James Payne, oldest woman present was Sue Payne and youngest one present was Roscoe Peacock’s baby girl.

The entertainment committee had games to play, in which everyone won a prize.

The rest of the day was spent talking and looking at pictures in the scrapbook.

The reunion next year will be at 1 p.m. Aug. 27 with a basket dinner at Central Christian Church.

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