State makes housing help available


Tenants and landlords may now find resources for relief and recovery at

Hoosier Housing Help is designed to connect Hoosiers impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic with tools for pre-eviction support and federal funds for emergency rental assistance, according to a news release from the organization.

More than $400 million in rental assistance has been authorized by the federal government for Indiana. Anyone who has experienced financial hardship associated with the pandemic is encouraged to learn more about their options for relief and recovery.

The Indiana Eviction Task Force is working to ensure fair solutions are available for anyone involved in eviction matters. As part of the effort to create awareness on the resources available, the task force is encouraging tenants and landlords to visit for information on receiving funds to cover past due rent, pay for future rent, reduce outstanding balances owed or pay for utilities and home energy costs.

Free settlement conferences with landlords, tenants and a neutral facilitator also are available to allow all parties to explore solutions whether or not an eviction case has been filed. Participants in pre-eviction prevention or diversion programs, like fast-track facilitation or rental assistance, may be given time to complete applications and determine eligibility before a court decision.

Additional resources for legal aid and social services also are available on the Hoosier Housing Help website.

The Indiana Supreme Court launched the Indiana Eviction Task Force in September 2021 to establish a statewide pre-eviction diversion program and improve the distribution of emergency rental assistance funds. Currently, there are about 50,000 eviction cases in Indiana.

The task force includes wide representation with the Indiana Housing and Community Development Authority, Indiana Legal Services Inc., Indiana Apartment Association, Indiana Office of Management and Budget, judicial officers and attorneys.

Information about the task force can be found online at

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