What is holding you back?


What is the one thing that could totally transform your spiritual life in 2022? We are considering several one thing questions to help us get on a better path that will help us grow into the people God is calling us to be.

For some, it is to get yourself (or your family) back in church on a consistent basis. For others, it could be about connecting, or reconnecting, with a small group of close friends to share life with. Others need to learn the value of generosity. Perhaps your one thing is to find someone to hold you accountable. You know that you tend to drift into sinful habits. You drift away from those that you love. The drift never takes us to a better place. You need someone to speak truth into your life. Accountability may be your one thing.

When it comes to your relationship with God, what one thing do you lack to move forward with God? What do you desire from God this year? If he would give you one thing, what would you ask of him?

That summed up our first question. Then we asked, what one thing do you lack? A third question to help us sift priorities and focus on becoming all that God would have us to be — What one thing do you need to release to God? What one thing have you continued to hold onto that you need to release this year? What is holding you back from where God wants you to be?

The Apostle Paul was not content to know about God, he truly wanted to know Him. Listen to what he said about one thing … “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” ( Philippians 3:13b-14) We don’t know what Paul’s one thing might have been. What we do know is that he was unwilling to allow anything in the past to prevent him from moving forward in his relationship with God. Paul’s intent was to press on, press forward, and move ahead!

Perhaps the reason you are not where you need to be spiritually is because you are holding on to something from the past. It’s time to let it go. Someone hurt you. Let it go. Let go of the bitterness and the unforgiveness. God wants to do something new in you in 2022. If God is going to do something new in you, you can’t dwell on the past. You’ve got to forget what is behind and press on toward what is ahead!

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