Delta Delta ESA meets via Zoom


Twelve members of the Delta Delta chapter of Epsilon Sigma Alpha met via Zoom on Nov. 3.

The chapter welcomed new members Stacey Allman and Jody Kaufman, and members told two things about themselves during roll call.

President Mary Anne Schneider announced chapter members were unable to attend the fall conference Nov. 7 at Sahara Grotto in Indianapolis.

Educational Director Barb Grant gave a program on facts about elections.

Philanthropic chairwoman Sammi Jones announced members should give clipped coupons for overseas servicemen to Grant. The chapter also is collecting items to send local service men and women for Christmas. Items for the boxes should go to Jan Engel by Nov. 20.

Ways and means chairwoman Julia Aker announced the chapter had raised $300 from Rada Cutlery sales for the budget, so the additional over $200 will go toward philanthropic projects. The account will remain open if anyone wants to order online at or submits at least a $20 order to Aker.

Vice President Stacey Brummett updated the chapter on plans to host the spring conference March 20, 2021, at Immanuel Lutheran Church’s fellowship hall.

The chapter’s next meeting, a pledge ceremony for new members, is at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 1 via Zoom.

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