Ladies Aid 3 meets at Immanuel


Ladies Aid 3 of Immanuel Lutheran Church met Oct. 20. Twelve members were present.

The Rev. Ralph Blomenberg talked about 10 missionaries supported by Immanuel. He distributed a map with directions to each country they serve in and the progress of their journey there. Immanuel also supports many local missions and services. Blomenberg offered prayer after his presentation.

The meeting continued with Hymn 956 sung by the group and reading of Psalm 100.

Sharon Klakamp read the secretary’s report from the September meeting, and Rosalie Grabinski gave the treasurer’s report.

Members voted to not have a fundraiser this year because to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Officers for 2021-22 will be president Sandee Helwig; vice president Ann Mahan; secretary Laverne East; and treasurer Jane Pardieck.

Klakamp reported on the October list for shut-ins. Cards were sent to the shut-ins.

The Christmas party committee gave a report.

Mites for Lutheran Women’s Missionary League were collected and will be sent to LWML.

A donation to Trinity Lutheran High School will be sent in recognition of Tom and Laverne East’s 50th wedding anniversary.

Members signed up for various committees for 2021.

Hostesses were Carlana Able and Pardieck. The meeting adjourned with the Lord’s Prayer.

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