City making improvements for pedestrians crossing state highway


The city of Seymour is looking to install sidewalks, a crossing and signage at Sixth Street (State Road 258) and Vehslage Road to improve pedestrian safety.

A few weeks ago, city officials began discussing the need to take action to make motorists more aware of people walking or riding bikes across the highway.

The painted crosswalk on the east side of the intersection and additional sidewalks will give people a specific and legally designated point to cross State Road 258 from Coventry Place and Vehslage Road, said city engineer Bernie Hauersperger with FPBH Inc.

“Currently, walkers randomly cross at various areas,” Hauersperger said. “Some will walk in the roadway for 100 feet crossing at an angle, so it is needed for improved safety.”

Even with the changes, the crosswalk will not remove all the dangers of crossing in the area.

“It is still a difficult crossing as no signal or lighting is expected at this time,” Hauersperger said.

The Indiana Department of Transportation has a $1.4 million project underway to resurface 258 from State Road 11 (Ewing Street) west to the East Fork White River. The state has agreed to stripe the crossing with white thermoplastic markings when the road is complete in August.

The city Department of Public Works is putting in the sidewalks, handicapped accessible ramps and crosswalk signage for the project. They are doing the work in house and Hauersperger estimates it will cost around $3,000 for materials.

“City council brought it up at a meeting and they wanted me to review it and ask the state to allow us to go ahead and make the improvements,” Hauersperger said. “We are checking on needing a permit, then we will complete it in a few weeks.”

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