Retired teachers gather for luncheon


The Jackson County Retired Teachers Association recently met for a noon luncheon at First United Methodist Church in Seymour.

Donna Sullivan introduced new member Gwen Brown; Trish Whitcomb, Indiana Retired Teachers Association executive director; and Nathan Wolf, Area 10 director.

Table decorations were a patriotic theme and furnished by John and Joyce Stuckwisch.

Members were informed by President Bonnie Koontz about recording volunteer hours, contributing to the Indiana Retired Teachers Foundation endowment fund and acquiring foundation scholarships for junior or senior college students.

Members decided to bring personal hygiene items to the May 21 meeting for the Double Down Outreach group project.

The state report included increasing membership, developing strategy showing the impact of the 13th pension check on the local economy and informing new teachers of the choices of a defined contribution or defined benefit pension plan.

Entertainment was provided by Bill Gerhard, who gave a talk about the life of Abraham Lincoln with a presentation of the Gettysburg Address. Civil War songs were sung by members with Georgiann Coons accompanying on the piano.

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