Seymour schools to hold budget hearing


Seymour Community School Corp. will have its 2020 budget hearing today at the administration office.

The meeting is open to the public, and taxpayers will have the opportunity to ask questions, share concerns and learn more about the school system’s proposed 2020 budget.

The public hearing, part of the annual budgeting process, begins at 7 p.m. at the central administration office, 1638 S. Walnut St., Seymour.

Steve Nauman, corporation business manager, said spending in the district’s education fund is projected to increase just more than $3 million.

The education fund is dedicated to paying for student instruction and includes expenses related to academic achievement and instructional support, such as teacher salaries, school supplies and technology.

No local property tax dollars go to the education fund, as it is funded by the state based on student enrollment.

Much of the additional spending is due to Seymour’s increase in enrollment, Nauman said.

"Enrollment is up approximately 341 students, which will cause both funds to increase to support the additional staff and operating needs of the school corporation," he said.

Several new certified staff positions have been added to the budget to assist with enrollment growth.

In addition, more than 33 part-time jobs are being changed to full time to help with student instructional needs in the classroom. That equaled more than 8,900 hours per year, which is the equivalent of adding seven more full-time staff members, Nauman said.

The district’s education fund for 2020 is being advertised at $32.44 million, up from this year’s budget of $29.27 million.

Operations expenses also are projected to go up around $900,000, going from $11.58 million in 2019 to a proposed $12.47 million. But that amount is inflated by $500,000 just for advertising purposes, Nauman said.

The operations fund includes expenses related to the school board, superintendent and central office and other overhead. Capital projects, transportation and bus replacement now fall under that fund, too.

As part of the hearing, Nauman also will discuss the corporation’s capital projects plan and bus replacement fund for 2020.

By following the state Department of Local Government Finance’s recommended 3.5% increase in the operations fund, the district will see a tax rate increase of 1.61 cents using the current assessed value, Nauman said. If the assessed value increases, the rate will drop. If it decreases, the rate will increase.

Seymour Community School Corp.’s tax rate was 18 cents lower than any other school in Jackson County last year, Nauman said.

The board is scheduled to adopt the 2020 budget at 7 p.m. Oct. 8.

[sc:pullout-title pullout-title=”If you go” ][sc:pullout-text-begin]

What:Seymour Community School Corp. 2020 budget hearing

Where: Administration office, 1638 S. Walnut St., Seymour

When: 7 p.m. today

The board will discuss and take public comment on the budget, bus replacement fund and capital projects plan.


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