Three attend Indiana Farm Bureau meeting


Three delegates represented Jackson County Farm Bureau during an Indiana Farm Bureau policy meeting Aug. 24 at the Hendricks County Fairgrounds in Danville

The three were Paul Newkirk, Anthony Rust and Marcia Monroe.

The delegate body consisted of 255 farmers and agribusiness professionals from across the state. The members discussed a number of issues, including local government structure, hemp production, education and assessments.

Other topics reviewed include marketing, food safety, natural resources, weed management, water rights, forestry, state government operations, utilities, fiscal policy, public health and safety, labor issues and law.

Delegates adopted language that supports local control in regards to the use and development of renewable energy in Indiana. Other positions supported by delegates included the repurposing of abandoned box store buildings, rehabilitation programs inside jails, strengthening school safety and efforts to increase teachers’ salaries.

The organization’s policy creation process begins at the local level. Each year, all counties have the opportunity to make policy suggestions or edits, which are debated by a resolutions committee before being brought to the full delegate session.

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