Athletes of the 4-H fair: Drew Vehslage


Name: Drew Vehslage

Grade:  Junior

School: Seymour

Sports: Football and basketball

Number of years involved in 4-H: 8

4-H activities at the fair: Beef cattle

Q: How do you balance your sports and 4-H responsibilities?

A: "Growing up playing sports and being involved in 4-H has taught me the need to have a good schedule in place to make sure I’m on time for all practices and then working time in for the show cattle, as well. I usually write out my week’s practice times, game times and any other camps we may have going on a paper and post it on the fridge for the week ahead. I also am thankful for my parents and grandparents that help with the 4-H show cattle if I’m away at practice or games and can’t be home to feed the animals."

Q: What is your typical schedule like during the summer when it comes to 4-H and sports? What is an average day like?

A: "Typical weeks in the summer start as soon as school is out for the year with practices for both football and basketball going on pretty much the entire summer. Most of my sports practices run daily during the week in the morning until around midday with the exception of summer league ballgames and scrimmages for football. I also am on an AAU basketball team that has tournaments scheduled through some of the weekends also during the summer break. Afternoons and evenings are when I plan on working on my 4-H show cattle, which involves washing and grooming them daily when possible along with their feeding, as well."

Q: Why are you involved in both 4-H and athletics?

A: "I have really enjoyed the competition that both sports and 4-H has provided me as well as the chance to meet and make friends that I would not have had the opportunity to meet if I wasn’t involved in either. Both sports and 4-H have given me the chance to travel out of state and play in tournaments along with showing my 4-H animals as well out of state."

Q: What is something you’ve learned from 4-H that translates to your sport or vice versa?

A: "Both sports and 4-H teach you to be accountable and dependable with hard work and effort. Being on a team, your teammates rely on you to show up every day for practice to get better as a team. Your 4-H projects are the same in a sense where they depend on you to show up as well daily."

Q: Why would you encourage someone in 4-H to also participate in athletics?

A: "Like 4-H, sports can open the door to having the chance to play on a team where you will make lifelong friends as well as competing against great competition that will make you better. Sports can also open college opportunities with hard work and determination."

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