Ladies Aid 3 meets at Immanuel Lutheran Church


The Tribune staff reports

Ladies Aid 3 of Immanuel Lutheran Church met Nov. 20 in the fellowship hall of the Seymour church. Eighteen members responded to roll call.

Hymn 892 “Come Ye Thankful People Come” was selected, and the reading was Psalm 100.

The Rev. Jimmy Rodriguez presented the topic about a new project, Cold Night Shelter. Several churches in Seymour are considering participating. Eight to 10 people would be housed from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. for one week. Cots and bedding are being furnished and will be moved from facility to facility.

This will be from September to May when temperatures are below 32 degrees. There will be two to three members representing a church spending nights with those to be housed. Two showers must be available. This is a new program, and there are many unanswered questions.

Sharon Klakamp read the October minutes, and Sandi Helwig made a motion to accept them, seconded by Linda Kamman.

Rosalie Grabinski gave the treasurer’s report. It was accepted as read.

A paper for the officers and members to fill out with phone numbers, addresses and emails was distributed for the church’s information.

The Christmas party committee collected money for the dinner, and it was announced that the night of the party, there will be a freewill offering for a family selected by the human concerns committee.

November visitation will be handled by Marlis Kilgas and Ginny Fenton, and Jane Pardieck and Helen Nolting will do December visitation.

The cheer committee reported three anniversaries were celebrated and that checks were sent to their selected donors.

Sandi Helwig reported there were 89 vendors and three no-shows from whom she had not heard anything for the annual craft show. There were 13 Immanuel Lutheran School students and one Trinity Lutheran High School student helping vendors pack in and out. One vendor had the comment they were a credit to their school.

Tote bags are in and ready to sell. They are maroon and gold and have Immanuel Lutheran Church printed on them. The price is $3 or two for $5. Stadium cushions are available for $10. For information, ask any Ladies Aid member.

November is the month for yearly donations for the group. Twenty-seven churches or organizations were voted on to receive a yearly contribution. Marlis Kilgas made a motion to stop at this amount, and Norma Kilgas seconded it. The motion passed.

No dues will be collected in 2019.

It was noted that blank note cards with the stained glass window are available. Contact Ann Mahan if interested.

The meeting closed with the Lord’s Prayer.

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