Tri Kappa donates to Anchor House


Tribune Staff Reports

The Seymour Associate Chapter of Tri Kappa met Oct. 2 at Anchor House Family Assistance Center and Pantry in Seymour.

The committee of Deb Bedwell, Kathy Mead, Terrye Davidson and Ruth Ann Rebber served a pizza and salad dinner with homemade baked goods for dessert.

President Laura Kirtley welcomed the 15 members in attendance. The business meeting was called to order, and reports were given by officers.

The 2018-19 budget was distributed to the members, followed by discussion. Members were informed of the corrections to the program book for the calendar year.

There was no old business to be discussed. New business discussed was the Tri Kappa bylaw amendments for the year.

The Province II chapter review for the associate and active members of Seymour Tri Kappa was Tuesday. The associate chapter officers will meet with Province II officer Jenny Cotton.

The associate chapter is invited to attend the active chapter’s meeting at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 6 at the Fraternal Order of Police Donald M. Winn Lodge 108. Past Seymour Tri Kappa member Kathy Cox Chorba will be the guest speaker and will be sharing information about the Cheer Guild at Riley Hospital for Children at Indiana University Health.

Members were reminded that the next associate chapter meeting will be at 6 p.m. Dec. 4 at First Presbyterian Church in Seymour.

It will be the Christmas social with heavy appetizers and desserts. There will be a fun painting activity under the leadership of Kay Fox. Reminders and reservations will be forthcoming in November.

The meeting was adjourned.

Anchor House executive director Stephanie Masters-Wheeler then gave a short informational speech about the services provided to Jackson County residents and tour of the Anchor House facilities.

Members were asked to bring canned or boxed food items and paper products for donations to the Anchor House food pantry.

They also presented Anchor House with a $175 donation to use to help stock supplies in their food pantry. Tri Kappa continues to serve the community with a purpose strong and true.

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