Letter: Letter to the Editor, Carl Lamb


On Aug. 7, 2018, five members of Seymour Police Department participated in Operation Pullover.

These officers participated in the Seymour Police Department’s “Officer on a Bus” program, which puts an officer on a Seymour school bus observing for distracted drivers and those complying with Indiana’s seat belt law and providing that information to another officer in a marked vehicle who then conducts a traffic stop for the violation.

This type of enforcement, unique to the Seymour Police Department, has been utilized multiple times since its inception, and each time, the number of distracted drivers and seat belt violations decreases.

The goal is to reduce distracted drivers and to have the motoring public drive safer near and around school buses.

In the 13 months that this type of enforcement has been used, there hasn’t been any reports of motorists passing school buses while the buses have their stop arm extended.

Officers working this detail were paid with a grant from the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. This program, possibly a one-of-a-kind program, will continue to be used by the Seymour Police Department.

Capt. Carl Lamb

Seymour Police Department’s Operation Pullover coordinator

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