Extension club conducts meeting


Friends and Neighbors Extension Homemakers Club met Jan. 23 at Cornerstone Community Church in Seymour with eight members and one guest present.

Molly Marshall, Purdue Extension Jackson County health and human science educator, gave an instructional talk on “Improving Your Balance.” She said one-third of all adults 65 and over fall each year.

She included several questions relating to what causes people to fall. She had the group participate in three different balance exercises. She concluded with a handout on Get Walkin’, a program to sign up, walk and get email support.

President Ruby Niccum led the group in the pledge to the American flag and the club creed.

Song leader Shirley Sears sang a solo to the tune of “Favorite Things” by Julie Andrews.

Judy Carter had a meaningful devotion on “Do Our Lives Reflect Christ?” She gave an analogy of the watermark and the actual photo on dollar bills.

Roll call was answered by naming your favorite soup. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Due to the treasurer being in Florida, there was no report.

Niccum said the council meeting had been canceled due to bad weather.

Citizenship leader Martha McIntire offered some comments on the recent Women’s March.

McIntire, as hostess, served strawberry shortcake with real whipped cream.

The next meeting will be Feb. 27 at Country Inn in Dudleytown.

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