Hearts of Home Club


Hearts of Home Extension Homemakers Club met April 21 at Christie’s in Salem.

After prayer, members enjoyed lunch.

The meeting was conducted at the Jackson County Visitor Center, which had a wealth of useful information about local history and local events.

President Glenda Neawedde opened the meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance, the homemakers club creed and the thought for the month.

Roll call was answered by answering, “What is your favorite color of the rainbow?”

Janet Jarvis gave devotions on “The Spirit of Prayer” and a citizenship lesson entitled “The World’s Second Largest Clock is in Clarksville.” She also talked about Columbus’ architecture.

Neawedde gave the group lesson “Life Hacks.” The name tag she made for Achievement Night was shown to members.

The next meeting will be May 18.

A program and talk on women’s health will be given by Denise Neawedde at Schneck Medical Center. Members are eating out afterward at El Nopal Mexican restaurant.

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