Athletes of the week for Sept. 24


Accomplishments this past week: Qualified for regional by shooting a 98 at the Bedford North Lawrence (Otis Park) sectional

How were you able to perform to your fullest potential this past week?

“By having the support I have through my friends and family.”

What did you do well?

“On the back nine, I hit the ball right where it needed to be.”

Do you do anything special to prepare?

“Clearing my mind and talking to Lakin Davis (last year’s coach). She always helps calm me down.”

Favorite drink: Water

Favorite food: Strawberries

Favorite music group/band/artist/genre: Beyoncé

Favorite book: “Safe Haven”

Favorite class: Weights or Algebra II

Role model: Parents

Best advice?

“Work hard and never give up when things get down.”

If you could travel anywhere and why?

“The Bahamas. I want to be on a beach as soon as possible.”

Athletics goal (current or future): Shoot under 90

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