Lee Hamilton: The US is no longer the world’s dominant superpower


It was an article of faith, through most of my life, that the United States was the world’s dominant power. We had the most powerful military, the biggest and most vibrant economy and the most influential culture. For better or worse, we were the envy of the world.

Lee Hamilton: An enduring question for American democracy


I’ve either been involved in or keeping an eye on American politics for more than 60 years now. We’ve faced plenty of tough questions during that time, and though many of them have been resolved and we’ve moved on, some are tenacious — income inequality, racial equity, the ever-ballooning national deficit, climate change. But in all those years, the question I’ve found myself returning to again and again — and that I suppose we’ll never really resolve — is the one Lincoln posed at Gettysburg: Can a nation like ours, ‘conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal,’ endure?

Editorial: Stop gerrymandering and make voting easier


(Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Michael Hicks: Some thoughts on the Caitlin Clark effect


It is a safe bet almost no one in Indiana knows less about basketball than me, but only a recluse could miss the hype over the Indianapolis Fever’s draft of Iowa phenom Caitlin Clark.

Niki Kelly: Eclipse gave us unifying moment, something that is missing in politics


I was told I might cry when seeing the total solar eclipse in person. While no tears fell, I felt the moment in a much deeper way than anticipated.

Another viewpoint: Resources needed for immigrant students


The (Anderson) Herald Bulletin

Michael Hicks: The political economy of inflation


The fourth anniversary of COVID offers an economics columnist a rich set of policy lessons. Among the most pressing is the political economy of inflation. I begin by reminding readers that inflation is largely a policy choice, involving a trade-off between either increasing unemployment or reducing the purchasing power of our dollar.