John Krull: Mike Pence takes his shot


Mike Pence had a moment the other day.

The badness of National Conservatism ideology


Conservatism is in the midst of profound change.

There’s a vu for that


Most of you have undoubtedly experienced déjà vu, that eerie sense that something you have never encountered before is nonetheless somehow familiar.

What is my role in the relational rupture?


Reassembling broken relationships requires four important decisions.

A trying time for American elections


As the November general election approaches, I’ve been struck by the rise of an unusual type of news coverage.

Medical debt knocked me down the ladder


My family says I have a story for everything.

Partisan effect of disinformation on COVID deaths


Last week, three Yale professors published a study of COVID-related deaths in the United States.

A ‘poop bee’ situation


Recently, I had been lamenting that I only had one beehive heading into the colder weather.

At last, a law for our times


A friend recently introduced me to Brandolini’s Law, known on the Internet as “the bullshit asymmetry principle.”

Celebration and sorrow: Such is life


Today’s date is Monday, Oct. 17 in the year of our Lord 2022. And so it is with great joy that I wish you a very happy Bosses Day.