The name “Indiana” creates a vivid image in people’s minds. Rolling farm fields. Basketball goals hanging above garage doors and on barn...

Indiana promises have gone up in smoke

Sixteen years after the state tobacco settlement, the story is one of broken promises. The money collected by the states after settling...

How French intelligence missed Charlie Hebdo terrorists

In the wake of the tragic shootings in Paris, French police and intelligence agencies are being asked to explain why known militants—including one who...

United Way’s focus is the creation of lasting change in our community

When I first started writing to you in January of 2014, I asked Jackson County to make a commitment to get engaged. And, my,...

Letter: Big Ag trying to control local government

To the editor: The headline “Bill gives state reins on CAFOs” caught my attention. Senate Bill 249 is “a bill...

Pence: Make up mind about 2016

Vincennes Sun-Commercial We got a nice little note from the governor the other day, asking us for our help. The...

Liberty must be balanced with order but not abandoned

Your 17-year-old daughter, diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma, calmly but determinedly refuses chemotherapy. Her refusal is not based on religious beliefs; she simply...

Letter: Keep southern Indiana out of Kentucky

To the editor: Let me get this straight. After we in our area supported Baron Hill in all of his...

Unborn children should be considered creation of God

As a pastor of almost 30 years, I have always believed that life begins at conception. I believe that is what the...

Time to allow medical marijuana in Indiana

To the editor: Indiana District 4 state Sen. Karen Tallian will introduce legislation this session to legalize medicinal marijuana in the state...