Child abuse cases, awareness grows

(Anderson) Herald Bulletin Every account of child abuse is appalling in its own way. The themes seem constant in the...

Daniels laments RFRA impact to Indiana

Purdue University President Mitch Daniels won’t come right out and say what he thinks about the state’s new religious freedom bill and the accompanying...

Utilize libraries’ many resources

While neither librarians nor patrons would appreciate people running and screaming through the building, the days of ssh-ing and hushed voices are long gone...

Commitment to veterans always worth honoring

South Bend Tribune In introducing the Jacob Sexton Military Suicide Act, which offers mental health services for all active duty, reserve and...

Religious freedom law’s impact worse than economic

The disingenuously named Religious Freedom Restoration Act has generated a great deal of well-deserved calumny by Hoosier businesses. They argue that it...

Indiana needs to broaden needle-exchange program

Kokomo Tribune Though it may not seem like it, the firestorm of controversy surrounding the state’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act will not...

HIV outbreak only part of rural health crisis

INDIANAPOLIS Weeks after sounding an early alarm on the HIV outbreak in his community, Dr. Shane Avery, a Scott County physician, was...

Letter: Constitution protects religious liberties

To the editor: As Indiana's attorney general, I have legal obligations as the lawyer to state government that do not permit me...

Indiana should create state health exchange

South Bend Tribune It took some time, but Indiana finally began participating in the Affordable Care Act to the benefit of some...

Assessment inequities, property tax caps crucial

Dagney Faulk and Mike Hicks at Ball State’s Center for Business and Economic Research have written another excellent study of Indiana property taxes. ...