Coats now free to compromise

Sen. Dan Coats, a nice guy in an increasingly nasty business, will step away from that business on his own terms. He is positioned...

Coats now free to compromise

Sen. Dan Coats, a nice guy in an increasingly nasty business, will step away from that business on his own terms. He is positioned...

‘Baby boxes’ issues outweigh positives

(Bloomington) Herald-Times Since 2000, Indiana has had a “safe haven” law that allows an unharmed newborn of less than 30 days old...


Indiana’s current debate over government’s role in education mirrors the national debate, which has resurfaced as Congress considers bills to rewrite No Child Left...

Give glory to God through loving actions on earth

One of these days we’re all going to stand and give an account of our lives before God. You might be interested...

Federal gas taxes crucial to saving infrastructure

Everyone from the American Society of Civil Engineers to the AFL-CIO tells us that we face an infrastructure crisis, and we must raise federal...

Who thought Washington could fix our K-12 problems?

In the most recent issue of The Indiana Policy Review, Maryann O. Keating describes the priorities of the key “stakeholders” in K-12 education: a)...

Taking a step forward on ethics in Indiana

South Bend Tribune The ethics reform package that appears headed for passage this session of the General Assembly represents a badly needed...

Indiana taking new tact to fight crime

KPC News Spending to help reform criminal offenders could more than double in a new state budget proposed by the Indiana House...

Indiana should have stuck with Common Core

It strikes us now — and it really has for months — that Indiana's educational hierarchy could have saved money and trouble by sticking...