Student debt crisis must be overcome

(Bloomington) Herald-Times Recently, representatives of more than 200 colleges and universities from across the country gathered at Indiana University for the second...

Presidential candidate Sanders has respect for former Hoosier politician

Portraits of five-time Socialist Party presidential candidate Eugene V. Debs hang inside the Debs Home and Museum on North Eighth Street in Terre Haute,...

Death penalty’s use dwindles in Indiana

Indianapolis — Longtime public defender Paula Sites once devoted a significant part of her work to training lawyers to represent clients facing execution. ...

South Bend immigrant changed American farming forever

Though his name is not nearly as familiar as John Deere’s, James Oliver of South Bend revolutionized agriculture with his invention of a new...

Proactive steps best on needle exchanges

South Bend Tribune One of the major wins to come out of a less than stellar legislative session was the bipartisan law...

Same-sex marriage, liberty and families

The formation of families, or what we call marriage, has always been the central organizing element of economic activity, predating all modern forms of...

Starting conversation about charitable giving important

This spring, The Philanthropy Outlook predicted Americans would increase gifts to charity by nearly 5 percent both this year and next. So...

Same-sex marriage, liberty and families

The formation of families, or what we call marriage, has always been the central organizing element of economic activity, predating all modern forms of...

Is America a Greece waiting to happen?

Most Americans look at the rerun of the Greek euro crisis with something between smug amusement and condescending disapproval. When will those profligate Greeks...

Legislator should have known better

(Portland) Commercial Review Brian Bosma is a very smart guy. Any interview with the Speaker of the Indiana House of...