Workers aren’t commodities for economic development

A recent study published in Economic Development Quarterly helped answer an age-old paradox surrounding business location decisions. This study was a survey...

Workers aren’t commodities for economic development

A recent study published in Economic Development Quarterly helped answer an age-old paradox surrounding business location decisions. This study was a survey...

The Greek crisis: Two views of justice

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know about the Greek crisis. The government there ran up a lot of debt by...

The difficulty of measuring ‘isms’

Lew Rockwell, founder of the Mises Institute, has an interesting observation in his recent column, “What Exactly Is Racism?” He invites us to consider...

Lessons from 2 real leaders

(Bedford) Times-Mail Two genuine Hoosier leaders shared some thoughts recently. Those who aspire to be elected leaders in 2016 would do well...

Be careful when hiring contractor for cleanup

Daily Journal Jackson County is all too familiar with the cleanup process following severe weather. While the recent tornado and...

Pick your death penalty poison, Indiana

In the U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling on Oklahoma death row inmate complaints that a new drug cocktail was leading to barbarously botched executions, the...

Changing high court would be overreacting

KPC News People who usually revere the Founding Fathers and the U.S. Constitution today are voicing doubts about whether the founders got...

Fostering an alliance of economic preservation

Rockets began red-glaring across my neighborhood several days before July 4 and continued for a few days afterward. Nearly 10,000 people lined the streets...

3 things hazardous to our economic recovery: China, Greece and time

I have long admired how the Irish professor Clive S. Lewis acknowledged the apparent sterility of scientific models and theories when faced with the...