Fix state testing by focusing on students

KPC News Hoosiers can be forgiven if they’ve become numb to yet another problem with the ISTEP+ testing system for Indiana schools. ...

International Overdose Awareness Day set for Aug. 31

International Overdose Awareness Day will be Aug. 31. Each year, people throughout the world, come together to grieve with those who have...

Poor civic health hurts entire state

(Elkhart) Truth Every kid who graduates from an Indiana high school for generations has had to pass a basic government class. ...

Structures in disrepair leave no easy route

As if it couldn’t get worse on Interstate 65, where a bridge over the Wildcat Creek has been closed and state transportation officials couldn’t...

Democrats hasty to spend state’s reserves

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel Because Gov. Mike Pence made the prudent fiscal decision of asking state agencies to hold back 4.5 percent of...

Education reform’s next trick? Teacher shortage

What sort of gymnastics will state lawmakers try to pull off at this point to remedy a looming teacher shortage after years of running...

Crony capitalism raises important questions about role of government

What is crony capitalism? Why is this phrase used derogatorily of government schemes to raise capital for investment? Most would agree that...

Reform of welfare system problem for more than just presidential candidates

All of us — not just our presidential candidates — need to focus on welfare reform. Recently, the House Ways and Means...

Pence’s pick to head IEDC shows progress

(Bloomington) Herald-Times It should not go unremarked that Gov. Mike Pence picked a prominent Democrat to lead the Indiana Economic Development Corp. ...

Senior center does more than serve meals

While it is true that many seniors today are more affluent and lead more active lives than those in generations past, it is critical...