It’s best to think before speaking

(Portland) Commercial Review Here’s a tip: The next time you hear yourself saying, “This may not be politically correct, but …,” stop. ...

Trump exploits rational political ignorance

Despite some recent stumbles in his campaign, the most dramatic development of the 2016 presidential race has been the meteoric ascent of Donald Trump...

Obama must resist ‘do more’ calls on Syria

Russia’s recent intervention in Syria has ruffled feathers in Western capitals. Recently came claims from NATO that Russia had moved ground troops into Syria,...

Hedgehog Concept works, only if you work it

“Greatness is not a function of circumstance. Greatness is largely a matter of conscious choice and discipline.” Well said, Jim Collins, well...

Fighting human trafficking takes coordinated effort

(Anderson) Herald Bulletin Human trafficking, one of the most demeaning violations of individual rights, often seems far removed from the rural lifestyle...

Letter: Honor Flight volunteers treated vets like family

To the editor: I just returned from the Indy Honor Flight and would like to tell you it was outstanding in all...

‘I want it now’ politics not American way

This article appeared on National Review (Online) on Sept. 29. For children, “I want it now” is a common refrain. The understanding...

‘I want it now’ politics not American way

This article appeared on National Review (Online) on Sept. 29. For children, “I want it now” is a common refrain. The understanding...

The times they have a-changed

I was a Boys Club of Seymour member as a youth and have had the opportunity to serve this community as an employee for...

What is a ‘fair’ tax system?

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel It’s so unfair here in Indiana, at least when it comes to taxes. That is the verdict of WalletHub,...