World must unite against ISIS threat

KPC News Service On Nov. 13, an exhibit recalling the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on America opened at the National Military History...

Treatment key to easing prison overpopulation

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel There is a general agreement that our prisoners are overcrowded in part because we give too harsh penalties for...

Move municipal elections to even-numbered years

The time has come for the state to change its voting calendar. Indiana needs to move its municipal elections to even-numbered years....

Educational reform

The delayed results of the ISTEP+ tests have certainly been a source of angst in the education community as of late. Between...

Time for different approach to school testing

It is time for Indiana lawmakers to scrap ISTEP. The test is nothing but trouble, and it is taking valuable time away from classroom...

Pence road repair plan step in right direction

(Anderson) Herald Bulletin If the state decided it would spend an extra $1 billion on a public need, what would you propose? ...

Stay on track with railroad safety measure

South Bend Tribune Both the House and Senate passed legislation giving railroads an additional three years to install a safety measure that’s...

U.S. rolls back war on drugs

KPC News Service Recently, the federal prison system began releasing more than 6,000 drug offenders whose sentences have been reduced. ...

‘Credibility gap’ a reminder of Vietnam

Recent reports make it clear that the U.S. military knew that the Doctors Without Borders facility in Kunduz, Afghanistan was, in fact, a functioning...

Alliance making difference

An important partner of the Community Foundation of Jackson County — Indiana Philanthropy Alliance, the state’s membership association of grantmakers — recently celebrated its...