How do we reverse accelerating pace of government breakdowns?

Whoever wins November’s presidential election, it’s a sure bet that at some point he or she will vow to set the federal government on...

Are we making kids too afraid?

(Fort Wayne) News-Sentinel How do we walk the fine line between preparing our children for the real world and scaring them so...

Letter: Letter to the Editor Isaac Spina

To the editor: Cancer has effected all of us, by either a family member, loved one or even ourselves. We each have...

Indiana education issues more than ISTEP scores

Recently an article published in The Tribune discussed an important issue that is on a lot of people’s minds, and that is the amount...

Demand, not supply, heart of drug problem

Indiana’s current policy debate about methamphetamine restrictions offers a window into the myriad failures of our War on Drugs, and the shallow thinking that...

Enhanced penalties needed in fight against drugs

Splintered homes and burn victims from meth lab explosions; pharmacy patrons terrorized by a robbery; drive-by shootings that shatter the calm of a neighborhood...

Is Ellspermann out of favor with Pence?

(Portland) Commercial Review Sometimes, Indiana politics just makes you scratch your head in wonder. That’s the case with the news...

Can Hillary outshine her famous husband?

Hillary Clinton, still struggling to fend off the primary challenge from Bernie Sanders, deployed her “secret weapon” this week: her husband, Bill, who delivered...

Legislative proposals on the forefront

KPC News Service Indiana legislators always caution that we can’t expect too much from their 10-week “short session” that comes in even-numbered...

Foundation gift will add to local 4-H leader’s contributions

Marie Burgess shared her love of sewing with countless young girls — and some boys — through her many years of service with the...