Time overdue for ceasefire

(Portland) Commercial Review Can we please stop shooting each other? That seems a fairly simple request, and yet, over and...

Trans-Pacific partnership key to global prosperity

What world-changing behemoth that begins with the letter “C” presents the greatest threat to U.S. commercial and strategic interests in the Asia-Pacific region? Wrong. ...

We’re in middle of fourth-generation war

Thank God the authorities didn’t drop the ball on Indiana teenager Akram Musleh the way they did on Orlando mass-murdering terrorist Omar Mateen. ...

Attacking drugs on several fronts

Opioid addiction has been wreaking havoc throughout the state for several years. For the first time in at least six years, drug...

Vote could go either way in Indy mass transit referendum

A David vs. Goliath battle is taking shape in Indianapolis as citizens prepare to vote this fall on a controversial tax increase to upgrade...

Indiana’s economy: Better than expected, worse than it should be

It is election season and the op-ed pages are filled with commentaries on the good and bad features of the Hoosier economy. As an...

Starting a conversation on giving

Americans gave a record amount of gifts to nonprofit and charitable organizations in 2015, the second year in a row. Experience at...

Young supporter makes reluctant transition to Clinton

INDIANAPOLIS — Krishna Pathak knows he won’t be casting his ballot in November for his political hero, Bernie Sanders, but he’ll still get a...

Attacks should be wake-up call for leaders

The recent Islamic State group attacks across the Muslim world, punctuating the end of Ramadan with bloodshed, and creating speculation about what these attacks...

Make it clear: Kids not for sale

Child sex trafficking is a hidden but persistent form of child abuse in Indiana and nationwide. Recent cases have hit the headlines...