Parenting is under challenge

The South Bend Tribune reported on a horror in Indianapolis that began with an argument that plays out in nearly every American family with...

Bearing it — and grinning

By Les Linz Super Bowl LV has come and gone with little fanfare. The Kansas City Chiefs were chiefly absent, and since Tom Brady believed...

Civics education bill is the best bill this year

For regular readers of my column, it should be no surprise that I am unimpressed with the Civics IQ of most people around here....

Lawmakers hate flaws like these

The 2021 state legislative session is remarkable for a series of bills that limit the existing power of Indianapolis city government.One of these would...

Winter: A matter of perspective

Profound apologies to my brother.It was just a couple of weeks ago that I wrote of hating him for basking in 70-something sunshine in...

One small step

On July 20, 1969, at approximately 10:56 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, Neil Armstrong stepped out of the lunar lander and placed his foot on...

Americans want the US to be an international leader

Americans often disagree, sometimes forcefully, about what our role in the world should be. From my perspective there is a lot more consensus on...

Helping home-based vendors reach more Hoosiers

Indiana is home to thousands of Hoosiers who make their living by selling homegrown, homemade and locally produced goods. Home-based vendors make everything from baked...

Writing and talking overlap

By Don Hill It’s fun being a guest columnist. You can write serious stuff, and you can write inane stuff. You can write correctly or...

Birthright: Privilege and responsibility

By Les Linz It has been nearly five decades since I gave my first sermon. The congregation raved. It was 7 minutes. Though short (both me...