Teens invited to register for free leadership summit


The Boys and Girls Club of Seymour and The Point will be co-hosting the Global Leadership Summit Next Gen.

The free event for eighth- through 12th-graders is set for 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Nov. 19 at The Point, 311 Myers St., Seymour.

The dynamic summit is specifically tailored to challenge teens to maximize their influence, develop their leadership skills and help them understand and discover their life’s purpose to make a difference wherever they are, according to a news release from the Seymour church.

The event will be a fun and creative experience for all attending teens, blending video recordings of world-class speakers with in-person hosts, performances and local speaker Matt Nicholson, the mayor of Seymour.

Teens interested in attending are asked to register so brunch can be provided. They also will receive door prizes, a conference notebook and a certificate of completion for use with college applications and job résumés.

Registration is preferred online at gotothepoint.com/glsnextgen.

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