Column: Musings from Gertie

Hey, everyone! Gertie here again, Purple Shamrock Farm’s favorite hen.

The Mutha Clucka has put me on task to write the column for her again this week. I don’t know why she didn’t let me do it sooner. I have so much to say and so much has taken place around the coop since the last time she let me chat.

Three new young roosters were added to the flock a few sunrises ago, and I’m having a time trying to get them to pay attention to their manners around the young ladies. They squawk and act a complete fool trying to get the hens’ attention. I’ve tried to straighten those boys out, but you know, kids these days.

The lady with the black boots has said something about needing to find another home for one or more of them. That may be good to keep the peace around the barnyard.

I just turned 5 years old at the end of February this year, and I guess that’s a big deal on the farm. I keep seeing pictures being taken of me, and I don’t really understand all of the hype. I just want to know when a lifetime supply of mealworms is going to be headed my way. A gal needs royalties for her stunning looks, ya know.

There has been some excitement coming from the group of chickens in the coop next door. Apparently, one or more of the hens in that group had chicks a few days ago. I haven’t seen any of them out yet, but I suppose they haven’t wanted to venture out since it has been so cold and that white stuff fell again a few days ago. I guess one just never knows with the weather.

Well, I’d best be getting back to scratching the ground and keeping these young ones in line. I don’t know when Mutha Clucka will let me talk again, but until then, get plenty of sleep, eat delicious things and respect your elders.

Until next time…

Gertie is the oldest bird on the Purple Shamrock Farm at 5 years old. Send comments at [email protected].

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