Taking nothing for granted


Javier Morante, his wife, Glenda and son, Ronny, took the time Tuesday to make their voice be heard by casting their votes at Zion Lutheran Church on Seymour’s south side.

“This is my third time to vote in an election,” Javier Morante said, proudly patting the “I Voted” sticker he received from poll worker Jan Sipes.

Originally from Ecuador, he said it’s important to be involved in the decisions being made on his and his family’s behalf.

“When we moved here, I didn’t know much about politics,” he said. “But we need to know. I would like to see social progress. We have a lot of social problems both locally and at the national level that need addressed.”

Ronny Morante said he felt “really good” about voting.

“It’s a privilege that we are able to do this,” he said. “It’s not something anyone should take for granted.”

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