Loyal Devoir Society meets at Central Christian Church


The Loyal Devoir Society met at May 28 at Central Christian Church in Seymour for the annual birthday party with Group 1 led by Barb Bentley and her committee.

President Paula Stafford thanked everyone for coming.

Devotions were given by Gloria Allman on “Jesus Loves Me.”

Betty Guinn gave the treasurer’s report and Judy McDonald read the minutes. Both were approved.

Janice Brock announced the rummage sale will be held Aug. 2-3. Police appreciation will be in October.

Janice Brock will order get well and sympathy cards to sell.

The Delta Kappa dinners will be held Sept. 17 and May 20 in 2025.

Jo Ellen Robinson, card person, sent a card to Linda Rumph after her arm surgery.

Because it was the society’s birthday party meeting, everyone put a $1 in the box and told something special about their birthday.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

The group also met April 23 at the church with Stafford presiding. There were 14 members present with Group 4 in charge.

Devotions of “April showers bring May flowers” were given by Leslie Martin with the Holy Spirit represented by rain and Jesus the sunshine.

Guinn gave the treasurer’s report, and tt was voted to give funds for the purchase of new tech equipment.

A thank-you note from the Lutheran Nursing Home in Seymour was read for the donation of fabric.

Treasury books were audited and approved.

Lucy Dembek led a fun craft of decorating cupcakes. Each member received a flower seed packet in coordination of the May flowers devotion.

The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction.

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