Seymour Common Council meets Tuesday


The Seymour Common Council will meet at 7 p.m. Tuesday in the council chambers at city hall, 301-309 N. Chestnut St., Seymour.

The agenda includes a public hearing on amending Seymour City Code to update schedule or trash rates and storm water user fee determination.

Old business includes second readings on Seymour City Code on building and house sewers, schedule of trash rates, stormwater user fee determination, amending Title IX “General Regulations: of Seymour City Code regarding health and sanitation and amending street angled 15 minute parking at 5th and Ewing Street.

Ordinances to be introduced include the rezone of a property located at 5702 N. County Road 1225E and amending the classification of thoroughfare and drainage.

Lastly, resolutions to be introduced include approving a recommendation from Plan Commission regarding roadway classification, and two resolutions regarding favorable and unfavorable recommendations of the Burkart Opportunity Zone Agenda.

The meeting is open to the public and press. Enter through the door along Third Street.

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